Tuesday 13 January 2015


Transport in PNG is not very reliable. It is actually one of the weaknesses when you want to see a lot within a short period of time. Strict schedules don't happen here and departures/arrivals are erratic. So if you plan to travel PNG I would suggest for you to go with the flow as everything seems to run under 'PNG time'

Planes are the most reliable and comfortable, also the most expensive. Book early.

PMV (Public Motor Vehicle) are very often used by the locals, cheap and do the trick. Comfortable and on time not. Recommended.

Taxi - ok in bigger towns, pricey. Bargain price before getting into one.

Car hire - considering the number of roads in PNG (not many) and steep cost of vehicle hire - this is not common form of travel

Dinghies - the only way to travel islands and cheap (travel with locals to share the cost). Safe - not really. But if the ocean is calm you are fine. Check the weather (no life vests, UHF etc.). If the dinghy gets lost out in the ocean of break down you are in a serious trouble.

Boats - slow and very erratic schedule (if any). Cheaper than plane but takes 3 days instead of 45mins on the plane. Often overcrowded.