Sunday 18 January 2015

Why travel PNG

Papua New Guinea (in short PNG by locals) is exciting destination for anthropologists, adventurous people and travellers preferring off the beaten track in general. It's fauna and flora diversity is world known as one of the last frontiers with rarely travelled and also unexplored places. PNG's location is making it difficult to travel for people living in Europe or Americas but if you are fortunate to live near by (Australia/Asia) it is well worth to visit and explore. It will be unforgettable experience for you and your companion. Tourism in PNG is in its early stages and not many people go there for holidays only. Often people go for work (mining) or volunteer to teach in local schools. Others may go directly to resorts or large towns without exploring town surroundings and villages. This leaves you with a few travellers island hopping, visiting local people and staying at local villages, taking a PMV to travel around, dinghies, light aeroplanes and so on. And you don't have to go far to get to places rarely visited by dim dims (white people) and that is where the real adventure starts, as they say 'Expect the unexpected' ... or 'Life begins at the end of your comfort zone'. I have been warned before my trip that PNG is a wild place, to be careful because of local unrest and so on. I have travelled the eastern part of PNG - Milne Bay Province which is fantastically welcoming and safe. PNG thrives to have more tourists roaming around, they will be very happy to have you in their country and they will look after you. If you tell them that you are on holidays and not work related trip, they will be surprised and interested in your travels and your personality.